Thursday, April 27, 2017

W: Watermelon Sorbet #AtoZChallenge

During my college days I 'discovered' watermelon juice. There were these juice bars all over the city and watermelon juice was an all time favourite. On a hot summer evening  in the dry heat of Pune, a watermelon juice was good for the soul. WE had this favourite juice bar area in Camp, where we had our pick of tiny  juice vendors. We would park our bikes after sundown and spend hours sipping on the sweet cold liquid. 
At home, as a child and later, watermelons were seeded and eaten as a fruit. My grandmother used to sprinkle a bit of sugar on the top and freeze it. That was how I enjoyed the fruit, or so I thought. 
But the fact is, that the secret is all in the sugar. That is what I discovered when I developed my love for fruit sorbets. And watermelon makes a brilliant sorbet. 
Try it. Read about it here 

P.S. if you do not have a ice-cream maker, (I don't) just use a good mixer/grinder and repeat it a few times. :)


  1. I've never had watermelon sorbet, but now I feel like I need it in my life.

    A to Z 2017: Magical and Medicinal Herbs

  2. Perfect! Opens up a whole new world for the summer.

    1. yes, do try!!! I'm making some with raw mangoes off our tree soon! ;)
