Monday, March 21, 2016

Friends in Fiction

Yes, it's time for that April A2Z Challenge again. I do hope some of you are reading this. Time for my theme reveal:

Friends in Fiction.

Sounds odd?

Not at all.
Anyone who loves to read will know what I'm talking about. It's those people who we read about and who stayed with us after the book was over...

Have you ever had friends like these? Wished you knew a Magic Faraway Tree? Had Noddy in your life? Went sailing with Tom Sawyer?

Well I did.

So this April is for some of those magical people who filled my waking hours with excitement and teased my imagination. Long after I had turned the last page.


  1. Hi! Love this theme - Friends in Fiction :D Can't wait to find out if we have 'friends' in common!

  2. Aww...all my favorite characters! I think you have chosen a fantastic theme. Will be around to read you through April!

  3. The theme is awesome :) I've had lot of these so I hope I'll have the time to follow.

  4. What a great idea for a theme - I am sure we all have friend in fiction :). Good luck during April and see you around the hop.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  5. Wonderful! Can't wait to meet your "friends."

  6. I like the idea of your theme. I, too, as others have said look forward to meeting your friends. I wonder if we have any in common?

  7. Great theme! I look forward to reading your posts! ~Lori~

    Lori @ As the Fates Would
    Have It

    Lori @ Promptly Written

  8. There are no strangers here, only friends not yet met.

    Good luck in the A to Z

  9. Awesome theme.. I probably have too many friends in fiction! Best of luck with the challenge.


  10. That's a nice theme. Sometimes a character is developed so well, I can't help but to wonder what had become of them after the story.

  11. I LOVE this theme idea. So many fictional characters are brought to life so brilliantly by the authors you can't help but get attached to them. You're on my "to visit" list :)

  12. Will check back to see if we have shared friends! Great theme!
    Gail at Making Life An Art

  13. Thank you everyone! I hope we have some common friends and we keep meeting again and again! :)

  14. Good to visit your site as a part of my A to Z visits. My theme Blog Promotion
    Welcome to A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016 - Co-Participant - Nrao
    NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts
    Management Theory Review

  15. Great theme! Helped me remember some of my childhood friends in fiction. :)

  16. I love this theme choice. I know exactly what you mean about book friends, those we continue on with after the story ends. I'll look forward to reading your posts in April.

  17. Ooo great theme!! This is my first challenge so look forward to reading!
    Joy @ The Joyous Living

  18. Thank you, and I do look forward to seeing you again soon and sharing your friends too! :)
